Thursday, May 7, 2009

genital intergrity...

As a guy that has many female friends and is always hanging around them, I tend to get sucked in to their conversations every now and then.
Sex is always a top subject for discussion. Here, penis sizes are mentioned all the time and whether they like them “cut” or “uncut”.

It was never a big deal to me till when I came over to Kenya and heard my girlfriends say they would never date or let alone sleep with a man that has not been circumcised.
I let it go, but one day, I was seriously offended when I heard someone say that uncut men are dirty and that she would never sleep with them at all.

I was tempted to ask what she meant and this sparked off a serious debate. The ignorance that was exhibited surprised me.
The society we live in has made many people believe that not having a foreskin is the right thing to do. I stand to disagree with this.

I am not circumcised and am proud to say so. Many people are going to make so much noise about this, I know and how it is not masculine enough to declare that I am not circumcised, but hey, I am not. So go hang yourself.

The most popular reason that people state, is that men who have afore skin are dirty, and it is unhygienic. And who told you so when you don’t have one?
If you failed to keep yours clean and had to cut it off because of poor sanitation, don’t impose your hygiene issues on me. Period!!!

And those that come from a culture that depicts circumcision as a must please do us a favour and don’t impose your culture on to other people.
Many people are totally unaware that the foreskin actually requires no special care. It is just like any other body part and there are many benefits to keeping the foreskin intact like erotic pleasure and protects the thin skinned glans around the penis against injury by keeping them moist and soft.

I know I might sound too graphic, but hey, we are all consenting adults here and am so sorry for those that were circumcised at birth because you have no idea what am talking about here.
The glans are exposed when one is circumcised which explains why men circumcised take “forever” to reach orgasm.

Why would I deny myself the natural pleasure of enjoying sex simply because culture says I have to get circumcised?
People mistakenly believe that circumcised penis is cleaner. The myth that the penis with a foreskin is difficult to clean is exactly that. A myth

Cleaning is so simple and it amazes me that people fret so much about it. The big hoopla over hygiene is pure and unnecessary paranoia.
The fact that I have to undergo a painful process with injections of anesthesia to numb me up to cut off something that I was born with and which has no physical harm just is not worth it.
So, if you don’t want to marry me or have sex with me because am not circumcised, please don’t.
A peter that I talked to about the topic confessed that he was surprised to learn that his penis had been cut and part of it had been discarded when he was 9. “it didn’t look like my friends penis and I was furious as to why it was cut off.” I still am angry at my parents for doing it to me.” a furious peter added.

Another Sam has had to live with the fact that he had unsatisfactory results when he underwent the cut because his girlfriend of 3 years had pushed him to get circumcised.
He ended the relationship after he later on developed “meatal stenosis” a condition where his urinary opening narrowed making it hard for him to pass urine and leaving him with painful erections. “I would have preferred to have my foreskin intact” said Sam.

A visit to sites like goes to show you that men who were circumcised are growing back their foreskins. YES, they are growing them back, transforming themselves from circumcised to near natural in a few years for better sex, general comfort and emotional healing.
After listening to such testimonies, I still wondered why there are always these public advertisements in the press in the health magazines telling people to get circumcised because health experts say it is healthy.

Half of these experts are not circumcised as well and let us not forget that the circumcised penis is not immune to infections, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV or penile cancer as some people have been brainwashed to believe.
The major reason as to why circumcision persists according to a few fathers I spoke to is that many think penises should look alike. like father like son.

The weakest thing i heard was that in some cultures here in Kenya, you are not considered to be “a man” unless you are circumcised. Come on, how can you in your rightful mind even say that to a 40 year old man, who even has grand children is not a man just because he is not circumcised? You even go through the trouble of getting a name (kaha) to term them? Please……..
Get over it people. I am not my penis, I am not your expectation but I am the soul that lives within me.


  1. Thanks Alot Doda.

    From your article i tend to agree with you both uncut and cut have advantage and Disadvantage. Kudos, for being proud about it. There are many people suffering because they think they are a outcast in the society.


  2. I wonder why people major on the minor and minor on the major, all I look for in you is the penis? I would tell them to go to hell is that is a basis for judgment at all.Circumcision is just but a thing like a tattoo or ear piercing ...people never know what they look for. Reuben

  3. Circumcision removes about 20,000 specialized pleasure-receptive nerve endings and around 100 square cm of exquisite sexual interface. 95% of the non-Muslim does not circumcise. Worldwide, only about 2 out of every 1000 intact men choose to get circumcised.

    The foreskin is absolutely as vital to a male's full sexual experience as the clitoral hood and inner labia are to a female's.

    It takes a genuine man to stand and face his peers and say: "Circumcision is a pointless barbaric ritual which would cost me sexual pleasure. I will not have it for myself or my child."

    Foreskin feels REALLY good. HIS body, HIS decision.

  4. i wouldnt agree with you more TLC Tugger, forskin feels really good and it is something that i embrace with so much love.....
